June 19, 2008

Today's the Day

I go to my very 1st Dr. appt today at 3:00! I am super nervous because it is with a new HUGE (that's what I have been told, he's like a long lost Ogle brother) Dr. I have heard nothing but great things about him, but something new is always nerve racking to me.

I will finally be able to find out if there is more than one in there! Lord help me if there is. I love the thought of having twins but if I actually had them I might think differently....or would I? All my work friends keep telling me that I am having twins, and I really don't think I am but they are in my family, so you just never know! All the celebs are having them so why not me :) Anyway I will post again to let you all know the outcome! Please pray that everything is ok and that I don't get to anxious!

1 comment:

megan k said...

My dr. is around 6foot something. He has to duck when he comes into a room or he'll hit the top of the door frame. Bigger is better! ahah